Imagen de la noticia BAU Insights 2025: iCONS viaja a Munich para la “Feria Líder Mundial de Arquitectura, Materiales y Sistemas” 20.01.2025 Actuality BAU Insights 2025: iCONS viaja a Munich para la “Feria Líder Mundial de Arquitectura, Materiales y Sistemas” BAU Insights 2025 es reconocido como el principal punto de encuentro mundial para la industria de la construcción, presentando las últimas innovaciones en arquitectura, materiales y sistemas. El evento contó con la presencia de aproximadamente 2.000 expositores en 18 pabellones, ofreciendo una plataforma completa para que los profesionales del sector ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Launch of iCONS corporate video back 2 years and more than 60 partners 12.12.2024 Actuality Launch of iCONS corporate video back 2 years and more than 60 partners With more than two years of experience, and having grown from 11 to over 60 partners, we are proud to present our corporate video. We would like to express our gratitude to those who have made this story of unity, knowledge and generosity possible: a courageous administration for proposing the creation of this figure, and all our partners, The ... Read more Imagen de la noticia iCONS participates in the conference “Opportunities of industrialized construction for industrial companies in the Canary Islands” 15.11.2024 Actuality iCONS participates in the conference “Opportunities of industrialized construction for industrial companies in the Canary Islands” The Technological Surveillance and Competitive Intelligence for Industry (VTCAN), an initiative of the Ministry of Economy, Industry, Trade and Autonomous Government of the Canary Islands developed with the support of the Technological Institute of the Canary Islands, is continuously monitoring the innovation opportunities for the Canary Islands ... Read more Imagen de la noticia European STAR*track Consortium met in Athens to assess collaborative initiatives 01.11.2024 Actuality European STAR*track Consortium met in Athens to assess collaborative initiatives The STAR*track consortium met in Athens, Greece this week for the second General Assembly of the project. With the assistance of partners from across the Built4People Network, the agenda included dynamic presentations and discussions on the following topics: ▪️ Project Progress▪️ Clusters of Built4People (B4PIC) innovation▪️ The ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Measuring the degree of industrialization of buildings. Standardizing industrialization, comparing with other countries and adapting it to the reality of Navarre 28.10.2024 Actuality Measuring the degree of industrialization of buildings. Standardizing industrialization, comparing with other countries and adapting it to the reality of Navarre iCONS Cluster invites you to participate in a day of the SNE-Nafar Lansare LIDERA Program. On this occasion, we intend to present to the managers of the construction sector and the insurance and financial sector the exercise carried out by the Building Cluster, which will be proposed to the UNE to standardize industrialized construction. The proposed ... Read more Imagen de la noticia iCONS joins the transnational network of Built4People innovation clusters in Luxembourg 23.09.2024 Actuality iCONS joins the transnational network of Built4People innovation clusters in Luxembourg Yesterday we took a small but important step towards innovation through collaboration, signing in Luxembourg our access to the B4PICnetwork cluster network of the European Built4People partnership. This will allow us to be connected both with other entities, such as those who signed yesterday, and with the policies and guidelines of Europe, thus ... Read more Imagen de la noticia We are visited by the Secretary General of Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture of the Ministry of Housing – Iñaqui Carnicero 26.06.2024 Actuality We are visited by the Secretary General of Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture of the Ministry of Housing – Iñaqui Carnicero We had the pleasure of receiving the visit of Iñaqui Carnicero, general secretary of Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda of Spain and Patricia Fanlo, University, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Government of Navarra. First we visited the company Viguetas Navarra in Barásoain, recognized for its ... Read more Imagen de la noticia iCONS is part of the board of trustees of the new Foundation Building Architecture Institute (BAI) 26.06.2024 Actuality iCONS is part of the board of trustees of the new Foundation Building Architecture Institute (BAI) Yesterday took place the first meeting of the board of the newly constituted Foundation Building and Architecture Institute (BAI), foundation that will house the National Center for Robotics and Industrialization of Navarra. Navarra takes another step towards the launch of the Centre, an initiative aimed at boosting industrialization and robotics ... Read more Imagen de la noticia iCONS promotes the industrialization of construction with 57 partners that invoice 3.2 billion 13.06.2024 Actuality iCONS promotes the industrialization of construction with 57 partners that invoice 3.2 billion Under the title 'Building seriously', the II Annual Meeting of the Cluster of Construction Industrialization of Navarra (iCONS) reflected on the milestones already achieved by the sector and the challenges that it still has to face. And he did so with the help of three national experts in the field from the study Touza Arquitectos, la 'startup' 011h and ... Read more Imagen de la noticia II iCONS Annual Meeting: “Building for the Real World” 20.05.2024 Actuality II iCONS Annual Meeting: “Building for the Real World” We are pleased to announce and invite you to the II iCONS annual meeting, entitled "Building seriously", on June 13 at 6 pm in Pamplona .It will be a good opportunity to know the current status and next action lines of the cluster, by the president Iñigo Eugui Martínez de Azagra, and the real testimonies and experiences of 3 state leaders in ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Participation in the II Rehabilitation Congress 25.04.2024 Actuality Participation in the II Rehabilitation Congress Recently we were invited to the "II Rehabilitation Congress" organized by inmatbyciare in collaboration with Garrigues at the CIARE Congress, to participate as speakers in the round table ¿Is it possible to implement processes of Industrialized Construction in Rehabilitation?. We had the pleasure of sharing round table with great professionals as: Jose ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Participation in the Hiria Forum for the creation of a public-private joint venture: “provision and management of new affordable and social housing” 09.04.2024 Actuality Participation in the Hiria Forum for the creation of a public-private joint venture: “provision and management of new affordable and social housing” The Hiria Forum, organized by Diario de Noticias de Navarra and sponsored by Nasuvinsa, has been reorganised under the title "FORO-HIRIA : Public-private partnership in affordable rental housing", with active participation as a speaker of the round table by Mª José Ballarín, secretary of iCONS. The event began with the welcome of Joseba Santamaria ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Industrialized construction: Vision by components. How to drive change for better building outcomes 05.04.2024 Actuality Industrialized construction: Vision by components. How to drive change for better building outcomes iCONS Cluster invites you to participate in a conference within the LIDERA Program of the SNE-Nafar Lansare. The index of the day will follow the following structure: Introduction: what is industrializationDifferences between off-site, pre-fabrication and industrialization3.- Industrialization Total (360o) or partial (180o without structure) 90o (facade, ... Read more Imagen de la noticia High participation of partners in REBUILD24 02.04.2024 Actuality High participation of partners in REBUILD24 You said "Navarra" in REBUILD2024 and it was known that you were talking about "Industrialization". REBUILD has become the main event that drives and promotes evolution in the way buildings are built. This transformation will solidify in the coming years thanks to the adoption of more industrialized practices, the integration of digital technology, the ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Forum Navarra Zirkular participation “Digital product passport: opportunities and challenges for the Navarre industry” 12.03.2024 Actuality Forum Navarra Zirkular participation “Digital product passport: opportunities and challenges for the Navarre industry” The Cirkulars Forums promoted by Navarra Zirkular have been reorganised under the title 'Digital product passport: opportunities and challenges for the Navarre industry', with the active participation as a speaker of the round table of Íñigo Porres, iCONS manager. The opening was led by Uxue Itoiz, director general of Energy, RD and entrepreneurship, ... Read more Imagen de la noticia All group action lines launched 01.03.2024 Actuality All group action lines launched The cluster has launched all the lines of action envisaged in the work teams, after a corresponding contrast with partners and subsequent voting. The following 16 committees are thus set up: L1. Industrialization, composed of 10 commissions: L1.1: Integration of systems solutions materials in an industrialized building system L1.2: promotion of ... Read more Imagen de la noticia The industrialization of the automotive industry, an example for the development of industrialized construction 29.02.2024 Actuality The industrialization of the automotive industry, an example for the development of industrialized construction iCONS Clúster and ACAN (Navarra automotive cluster) invite you to participate in a day within the framework of the SNE-Nafar Lansare LIDERA Program. On this occasion the coordinator Javier Belarra will give us the keys to the success of the process of transformation that was generated in the automotive sector, to learn the strategies, The Commission has ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Visit the Azpilagaña residential apartments 22.02.2024 Actuality Visit the Azpilagaña residential apartments We had the pleasure of visiting and knowing first hand the example of industrialized construction that is being carried out in Azpilagaña with the active participation of different partners: - Promoter: NASUVINSA | Pamplona City Council- Construction company: Construcciones Garbayo Chivite- Architecture, project and construction management: Bryaxis and ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Visit new Faculty of Health Sciences UPNA 02.02.2024 Actuality Visit new Faculty of Health Sciences UPNA Recently we were able to enjoy a multitudinous visit to the new faculty of Health Sciences of the Public University of Navarra, Emblematic building with wooden structure built mainly by partner companies:- Architecture: Bryaxis Architects and VArquitectos- Construction: UTE de Osés Construcción y Mariezcurrena- Timber structure of Madergia- Double wall ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Jonathan Solarte joins as research staff 26.01.2024 Actuality Jonathan Solarte joins as research staff We are pleased to announce the addition of Jonathan Solarte to our cluster team. We are delighted to welcome you and trust that your experience and knowledge will contribute significantly to our projects and goals. Its arrival, carried out under the MRR Investigo program, to which the cluster can opt for its consideration of a singular entity of the ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Participation of the Industry Bureau 25.01.2024 Actuality Participation of the Industry Bureau Last week we started to participate, together with other representatives of entities and companies related to the industrial field, in the so-called "Table of Industry", an initiative created by the Government of Navarra to receive contributions and proposals to consider in the process of developing the future Industry Law. It is a process that will take ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Participation in CIARE Congress 17.01.2024 Actuality Participation in CIARE Congress Last week we had the pleasure of being part of the first Industrialization Congress organized by inmatbyciare with the support of Cuatrecasas in Madrid. It was an event of great importance for the industrial sector, where Navarra has been very present thanks to the participation of iCONS partners such as: Iñigo Eugui Martínez de Azagra of ERRO Y EUGUI, ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Beneficiaries of the European project HORIZON STAR*track 15.12.2023 Actuality Beneficiaries of the European project HORIZON STAR*track We want to share with you a milestone that we have achieved within the framework of European RDi. We have been selected to participate in the European project HORIZON STAR*track, which aims to promote research and development of advanced technologies in various industrial sectors; as well as inter-company collaboration, Universities and research centres to ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Replacement on the iCONS Board 14.12.2023 Actuality Replacement on the iCONS Board Javier Burón, Managing Director of Nasuvinsa since 30 November 2023 replacing Alberto Bayona, also replaces him in his position as member of the Board of iCONS, having already taken part in the first session convened since his appointment, held on 14 December 2023. The entire cluster, represented by its Board, wishes to recognize and thank the great work ... Read more Imagen de la noticia End of the year meeting 13.12.2023 Actuality End of the year meeting We ended the year with a Christmas meeting at the Botánico bar with all our partners, to continue with the work dynamics that we have followed throughout the year (collaborate, grow together and make more visible a vital sector for the Navarre economy). During this event, the importance of collaboration and exchange of ideas between participants was ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Intervention in Melilla 01.12.2023 Actuality Intervention in Melilla The first meeting on industrialized construction in Melilla "Industrial Construction in Melilla: an opportunity for investment", took place on December 1st, 2023 in the old Hospital del Rey, organized by the COAAT Malaga Delegation in Melilla and the CEME CEOE. The event had an excellent impact on the Melilian society, reflected in the attendance of a ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Conference on Industrial Building Systems: Foundations 27.11.2023 Actuality Conference on Industrial Building Systems: Foundations The industrialization of construction is very complex, with different systems, conditions and languages but also with many possibilities, opportunities and challenges. To explore all this we will celebrate the next 27 of November, from 11:30 h to 14 h, an event in person and streaming where referents of the 3 industrialized construction systems will ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Launch team Digitalization 16.10.2023 Actuality Launch team Digitalization After the formation of the Sustainability team, it is the turn of the Digitalization team, coordinated by northBIM (Pedro Taberna Sanz), LARRABY ELECTRONICA Y COMUNICACION SL (Oscar Rived) and FSGROUP Engineering (José Andrés Olivas Ramírez). The first activity will consist of a training itinerary of 3 online sessions introducing in each one the 3 main ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Launch of the Sustainability team 06.10.2023 Actuality Launch of the Sustainability team On October 6, 2023, the first meeting of the first team constituted in iCONS, the one for Sustainability, with the presence of 17 companies from the entire value chain. The team, coordinated by Abaigar, VArquitectos and PVT, has proposed the lines to be developed over the next few months, which were pre-identified in the strategic plan, and will be ... Read more Imagen de la noticia “Start of the course” event at the Edifica23 fair 21.09.2023 Actuality “Start of the course” event at the Edifica23 fair Great day in Edifica23 at our event "Start of the 2023/2024 course" where the momentum of the construction sector in its transformation was confirmed. The president Iñigo Eugui Martínez de Azagra welcomed and summarized the current situation, in which the cluster has exceeded 50 partners, distributed throughout the value chain, with an aggregate ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Participation in the 1st European Construction Metacluster 18.09.2023 Actuality Participation in the 1st European Construction Metacluster The first European construction metacluster is being created and we want to be part of it. We recently signed our "expression of interest" to join what will be the first cluster in the sector between three regions from two countries in Europe, France and Spain, which have started this union through the clusters Odéys and Eraikune with the technological ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Launch of the new academic year 2023/2024 01.09.2023 Actuality Launch of the new academic year 2023/2024 September will kick off a new academic year that promises to be exciting, intense and challenging. It will be the second year of iCONS, a year in which we will continue to consolidate the project, taking the first firm steps in the lines of action identified, while continuing to expand it with new partners throughout the value chain. We will begin with ... Read more Imagen de la noticia 1st birthday of the cluster 04.07.2023 Actuality 1st birthday of the cluster On July 4, 2023 iCONS celebrated its first birthday, honoring the founding charter that 11 companies drafted a year earlier to start this adventure of collaboration and growth, illustrating the union of the value chain. Manufacturers based on different materials (Viguetas Navarra in prefabricated concrete, Madergia in wood), distributors (Onhaus), ... Read more Imagen de la noticia iCONS Assembly 04.07.2023 Actuality iCONS Assembly The first great public meeting of iCONS has been held at the Higher Technical School of the University of Navarra with great success of attendance. After the last Board of Directors meeting of the course, where 8 new enthusiasts were welcomed (the Navarrese Forjados Orgues SL, Suministros Eléctricos Gabyl SA, Construcciones San Martin, S.A. and Inslaben ... Read more Imagen de la noticia Presentation of the iCONS Strategic Plan 03.05.2023 Actuality Presentation of the iCONS Strategic Plan The analysis that will mark the road map of the next years is completed The strategic plan of the cluster has been presented in an interesting day at the hall of the Confederation of Navarre (CEN), with a full capacity and more than 90 companies attending. This event concludes a process started in October 2022 with the specialized consultant Cluster ... Read more