Yesterday took place the first meeting of the board of the newly constituted Foundation Building and Architecture Institute (BAI), foundation that will house the National Center for Robotics and Industrialization of Navarra.

Navarra takes another step towards the launch of the Centre, an initiative aimed at boosting industrialization and robotics in the construction and architecture sector, and whose foundation has already been constituted.
Coinciding with the visit of the Secretary-General for Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda, Iñaqui Carnicero, a meeting was held at the Palace of Navarra in which the nine members of the Board of this Foundation participated, who will be responsible for its governance, administration and representation.
According to the statutes of the foundation, and given its relevance in relation to the objectives of the entity, the regional Executive has appointed as patrons to the Vice President and Minister of Housing, Youth and Migration Policies , Begoña Alfaro; to the advisor of Industry and Ecological and Digital Business Transition Mikel Irujo; and to the councillor for University, Innovation and Digital Transformation, Patricia Fanlo, who will hold the presidency.

In addition to these posts, representatives of the various institutions present in the Board have also been appointed: the rectors Ramón Gonzalo (Universidad Pública de Navarra) and María Iraburu (Universidad de Navarra), Joan Clos (Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad), and Miguel Iriberri (Fundación Industrial Navarra/ Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Industriales de Navarra). For its part, the secretary of the new Foundation will be Diego Garrido, manager of ADItech manager, as well as founding partner. Iñigo Eugui, president, is the representative of iCONS.
National Centre for Industrialization and Robotization
During the meeting, the secretary general of Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture, Iñaqui Carnicero, has wanted to highlight the firm support and commitment of the Government of Spain with the creation and implementation of “a national center for industrialization and robotization”promoted between the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda and the Government of Navarra, to “Taking advantage of the extensive experience and expertise already available in all areas of business in Navarre, The Centre will become a model for the transformation of the construction sector into an industrializing country-wide one”. Thus, it has stated that it will be a leading and reference space at international level, which will have the collaboration of both national and foreign institutions that will contribute “talent and specialized knowledge thus improving efficiency and quality in production processes”.
Objectives of the foundation Building Architecture Institute
According to its bylaws, the Building Architecture Institute Foundation, established as a non-profit and permanent entity, has among its main objectives the creation of a national reference center, the advancement of knowledge in these fields, the training of professionals and the transfer of technology related to sustainability.
To achieve these objectives, the Foundation will carry out activities aimed at achieving the objective of creating and operating a national reference centre in Navarre, the development of R D and innovation projects in the construction sector, the drafting of pilot projects for the direct application of applied research, The Ministry of Education and Science is also involved in national and international partnerships and specialized training, among others.